Rangeland Restoration

Introduction to the GRASS Project (Communal Farming)

A broad overview of TASC’s GRASS Project in South Africa’s communal farming landscape.

Introduction to the GRASS Project (Private Sector)

A broad overview of TASC’s GRASS Project in South Africa’s private farming sector.

Interview with Stefan Erasmus (Lead Farmer)

Commenting on the highlights and challenges of embarking on regenerative farming practices.

Interview with Dr. Lize Kok (Carbon Portfolio Manager at TASC)

Explaining the technical and operational processes behind the GRASS program.

Interview with Roland Kroon (Healing Hooves)

Describing the thinking behind holistic land management and the role of farmers as land stewards.

Why Work with TASC?

A Farmer’s Journey with TASC

Challenges and Benefits of Regenerative Land Management

The Role of Farmers in Land Stewardship

An Invitation to join the TASC GRASS Project

Describing the farmer experience and the processes behind the GRASS Project.

Improved Cookstoves

Improved Cookstoves in South Africa

Improved Cookstoves in Zambia


Waterfilters in Uganda